810C Competition Weightlifting Bar, Men

SKU: 810C
13 529 SEK

Gymleco’s Competition Bar is a quality barbell that you can trust. This barbell is designed for professional use and suitable for weightlifting with needle bearing and load opacity over 900 kg. Manufactured according to official competitions standards.

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Tekniska specifikationer & Dokument

Bearings & bushings: Needle bearing

Grip diameter: 28 mm

Barbell sleeve surface: Hard chrome

Total bar weight: 20 kg

Exercise types: Weightlifting

Sleeve diameter: 50 mm

Sleeve length: 415 mm

Load capacity: +900 kg

Total bar length: 2200 mm

Grip marking: Weightlifting

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Mer om 810C Competition Weightlifting Bar, Men

With durable material choices such as hard chrome results in a powerful barbell with a long service life.

The needle bearings makes the rotation smooth during weightlifting exercises. The barbell also has slightly smoother knurling which suitable for weightlifting.

This barbell is designed for commercial use and is ideal for professional gyms and training studios.

Welding at Gymleco


På Gymleco designar vi utrustning med en tydlig vision: perfekt biomekanik,
kompakt design och oslagbar hållbarhet. Varje gymmaskin, redskap och
ställning är byggd för att maximera prestation, minimera underhåll och passa
optimalt in i alla gymmiljöer. Med över 30 års erfarenhet skapar vi
gymutrustning som ger resultat, tål hård användning och inspirerar tränande
på alla nivåer. När du väljer Gymleco investerar du i kvalitet, funktionalitet och
tidlös design. Det är Gymleco effekten.