Medicine Ball Rack, 10 pcs

SKU: N88-641

Keep things nice and tidy at the gym with this rack for your medicine balls or smaller slam balls. A sturdy and stylish rack that can store 10 exercise balls.

Technical specifications & Documents

Storage: Storage gymballs

More about Medicine Ball Rack, 10 pcs

The gymball rack is robust and well constructed and fits both in a professional gym environment and in your home gym. In addition, it takes up minimal space and saves on your gym space. The rack is delivered unassembled but is easy to assemble yourself.

Storage in the gym

It’s important to remember the storage when buying gym equipment. It’s easy to forget but an essential part of keeping your gym organized. This to increase the life span of your equipment and making cleaning easier in the gym. If you have a boutique gym, box or big commercial gym your gym members will appreciate having a designated place for the gym equipment and the look and feel of a gym where it’s clean and tidy.

Welding at Gymleco

The Gymleco effect

At Gymleco, we design equipment with a clear vision: perfect biomechanics, compact design, and unbeatable durability. Every gym machine, equipment, and rack is built to maximize performance, minimize maintenance, and fit seamlessly into any gym space. With over 30 years of expertise, we create gym machines and equipment that deliver results, withstand heavy use, and inspire athletes at every level. When you choose Gymleco, you invest in quality, functionality, and timeless design. That’s The Gymleco Effect.