Looking for a barbell but having trouble finding the right one in the barbell jungle? Be calm. Here we have answered the most common questions about bars so you can find the perfect barbell for you or your gym.

What weight and length should I have for my barbell?

The standard length and standard weight for a barbell is 2.2 m and 20 kg. This is used in powerlifting and weightlifting competitions. In weightlifting, bars of 2.01 m and 15 kg are also used for ladies, such as our 812C bar. If you have a smaller space or find standard bars unwieldy, you can instead choose one of our compact barbells, which are both lighter and shorter.

What is the function of the bearing in the barbell?

The bearing or rotation bearing in the barbell sits between the weight sleeve and the barbell itself and is what causes the weight sleeve to rotate. Depending on which exercises you will do with your barbell, it is good to choose bearings accordingly. In weightlifting where you train jerks and thrusts, it is good to have ball bearings or needle bearings, which rotate faster. In powerlifting, where you train squats, bench presses and deadlifts, it is good to have bushing as that bearing rotates more slowly.

Why are different barbells made of different materials?

The material controls how much weight you can put on the bar, as the material makes the bar more or less durable. If you compare the different materials, hard chrome is the most durable material, while aluminum is the least durable material. Aluminum is only used in one of our technical bars. You use a technique bar to practice the execution of the exercise and therefore never use heavier weights. We also have our popular Cerakote bar or our black barbells which are not only nice looking but also extra durable.

What do the different markings on the bar mean?

The different markings show what type of barbell it is. If it is to be used for powerlifting or weightlifting. Some bars have both markings so you can combine the training exercises with the same bar. On a powerlifting bar, the ring marks are 81 cm apart and on a weightlifting bar 91 cm apart. In powerlifting, the marking shows the furthest place you can place your index finger when you do a chest press, and on a weightlifting bar, they are there as a general aid for where you can place your hands.

What thickness of grip should I have on my barbell?

29 mm and 28 mm are common thicknesses of the barbell grip, but 25 mm is also a common thickness of e.g. women’s bars. In addition, we have a fat bar which, just as the name suggests, is much thicker. It is for you to train your grip strength and technique. Choose the thickness of barbell that suits you best so that you can perform the exercise optimally. But also keep in mind that you can use aids such as chalk or wrist bands to get a better grip.

What should be considered when it comes to the knurling on the barbell?

Depending on which training exercises you are going to do with the barbell, you need a more or less rough knurling. In powerlifting, you usually want a rougher knurling, while in weightlifting, the opposite is true. This is of course a matter of taste, so if you are going to have a bar that you use for various exercises, it might be good to feel the knurling on the different barbells. On some barbells there is also a knurling in the middle as it provides a better grip on the back/neck when you for example squat.

What does PSI meanwhen it comes to barbells?

PSI literally means “Pounds per Square Inch” and is a way of measuring how much pressure a barbell can take before it becomes permanently deformed. If you want a barbell that will withstand a lot and for a very long time, it is good if you buy a bar with at least 190,000 PSI such as our weightlifting bar.

Tips from the master

We also sat down with multiple champion in Athletic Fitness and powerlifting Kristian Sewén to find out what his thoughts and tips are when it comes to choosing a barbell.

What should you consider when buying a barbell?

“I think the most important thing to think about is what you need the barbell for so that you buy a bar that fulfils those needs. In my case, I was looking for a good weightlifting bar and chose to invest in something that I will enjoy for many years to come.”

Why did you choose Gymleco’s 411 Competition Powerlifting Bar 20 kg?

“My eyes were immediately drawn to the bar as it stands out in the design and is really stylish. The knurling was as sharp as I think a good Powerlifting bar should have. Otherwise, Gymleco is a brand that I trust and that I know makes quality products that will last years.”

At Gymleco we have a large selection of high quality barbells that are suitable for both professional gyms and home gyms. Several of our bars can be used in competitions and we have special barbells for all your needs. Contact us to buy a barbell.