September 22, 2023, marked a historic day for Gymleco as we hosted our first Open House at our new headquarters and warehouse in Eskilstuna for our VIP customers and partners.

This exclusive event gave our guests a unique opportunity to explore the state-of-the-art production facility and warehouse, test our most popular gym machines in the showroom, and enjoy a coffee break – plus a friendly game of ping pong with our dedicated staff. The event was a great success, and we’re proud to share some of the most memorable photos that captured the fantastic atmosphere.

Saad and Kari at Gymleco’s Open House. Many guests took the opportunity to chat with Gymleco’s team, including: Saad Shahin, gym owner of SSLifestyle, seen in the first image talking to Gymleco’s founder, Kari Jernvall.Gymleco Ambassadors. In the morning, our Gymleco ambassadors were on-site to take photos and film content in the fully equipped showroom. From right to left, you can see Samir Troudi, Linnea Enstedt, Ashkan Aghili, and Redir Nerway.

Saad and Kari at Gymleco’s Open House

Monica Sotkasiira, CEO of Gymleco, speaking with gym owners Anette and Krister from Gym1337.

Jesper Karlsson, Gymleco sales representative, talking to Kristian Sewén, project manager at Stockholmsmässan, which organizes the Fitness Festival every year.

Many guests took the opportunity to chat with Gymleco’s team, including: Saad Shahin, gym owner of SSLifestyle, seen in the first image talking to Gymleco’s founder, Kari Jernvall.

Guests Testing Gym Equipment at Gymleco’s Open House. Some guests came specifically to test our gym machines in the showroom.

Ingela, owner of Atletfabriken, tried out our chin/dip machine.. Max, owner of Elixir Fitness, checked out our popular hip thrust machine with Gymleco sales representative Kai Räty. 

Sponsors: Barebells, Reign, and Pändy at Gymleco’s Open House
Others enjoyed our refreshment buffet, generously sponsored by Barebells, Reign, and Pändy.

Photo Wall Highlights from Gymleco’s Open House. A huge thank you to everyone who attended and made our first Open House an unforgettable event!

Want to see more from the event and other Gymleco updates?
Follow us on Instagram: @gymleco & @gymleco_sverige.