The weekend of April 30th was the gym opening of Allstars in Torrevieja, Spain. Gymleco, the gym owners and several big MMA stars were in place to celebrate the opening and train in the sun. We sat down with Reza “Mad Dog” Madadi, co-owner of the gym, to see how the response has been from the visitors.

How was the gym opening and what happened during the day?

“We had a full house! There were a lot of people who came by. They mingled, took pictures, explored the gym and tested exercise machines. We also had different sessions in martial arts during the day in, among other things, MMA and Thai boxing. There were a lot of people who signed up and became members.”

You said there were many who came?

“Yes, there were a lot of people who came, about 1,000 people. Many families with children and a mix of people from Torrevieja and people who live or have accommodation around Torrevieja.”

How was the response?

“The response has been enormous. When you walk around town in Torrevieja as a trainer at the Allstars gym in Spain, you feel like a rock star. Everyone comes up to talk about the gym and how it’s going. Specifically, they address how good the service is. How well we treat customers and how fresh and nice the gym is.”

Did you get many new members?

“We are up to around 300 members in just 4 days. It makes us happy!”

How do you become a member?

“You just come by the gym. If you want to stay for a long time, you sign a monthly card. Otherwise, we have one-time passes, weekly passes and a lot of other options. Just drop by and we’ll help you find the best membership for you.”

All training equipment at Allstars is from Gymleco and on several signs around the training center you see “Powered by Gymleco”.

Linda Sotkasiira, Marketing Manager at Gymleco, which is based in Spain, says:

“We are so proud to have worked on this project together with Allstars. Everyone involved has done a fantastic job from start to finish. We look forward to a long-term and successful partnership with all the lovely people behind the gym!”